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March 1: Bedrace for Bridging

The annual Original Mattress Factory Bedrace for Bridging will be at Buck Hill on Saturday, March 1. You and three of your closest friends, family or co-workers can dress in fun costumes and race down Buck Hill on a real queen-sized mattress, provided by Bridging! When you register your fundraising team for this outdoor winter event, not only will you have a blast, you will also help local families and individuals in need. Since 1999, this annual winter event has raised nearly $2 million dollars over the years to support Bridging’s mission!

Give Volunteer Quality Time
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Ongoing: Volunteer Wednesdays-Saturdays with My Very Own Bed

This is a hands-on outreach opportunity for families with kids, individuals, clubs, teams, youth groups, or work groups to assemble dream kits and help deliver beds and dream kits to children in our community in need of beds. Volunteers will meet at our office for a short orientation and to pack kits and then follow our van to families’ homes

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Ongoing: Volunteer Opportunities with Good in the Hood

Good in the ‘Hood is dedicated to changing lives together with simple acts of kindness. Although our service opportunities are not solely limited to the urban community, they do have a purposeful inner-city affinity and a commitment to serve those with the most need. Volunteer opportunities include supporting their Shoe Away Hunger program through shoe sorting & and food shelf events. Opportunities exist throughout the metro area.

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Ongoing: Bi-Weekly Coon Rapids Rotary Lunch

Our primary focus is on supporting youth and education, along with various community groups - through a combination of hands-on, roll-up-our-sleeves service and fundraising efforts. Feel free to join us for good conversation, inspiration and more importantly learn more about we do to make a positive impact in the community and around the world. The Club is currently meeting in-person twice per month on the second and fourth Monday of each month beginning at 12:15 p.m. at the Bunker Hills Event Center.

Volunteer Quality Time
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