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Our mission is to empower you to live your life of most significance, through intentional planning. We hope the information shared on this page will help you grow impact in the areas of your life that matter most.

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Tailor your taxes for retirement Thumbnail

Tailor your taxes for retirement

The tax space for retirees might look a little different than you think. To maximize efficiency and prepare for the transition, it's important to consider the tax implications of your particular situation with the following in mind:

5 Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed at Tax Time Thumbnail

5 Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed at Tax Time

Tax season is rife with opportunists who use a multitude of nefarious tactics to get you to part with your money. Even the savviest filer might have trouble discerning a real IRS request from a fake one. Here are five ways to protect yourself this season.

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