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Our mission is to empower you to live your life of most significance, through intentional planning. We hope the information shared on this page will help you grow impact in the areas of your life that matter most.

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Hidden Benefits of 529 Plans Thumbnail

Hidden Benefits of 529 Plans

Most commonly, 529s are known as a tool to save for college expenses tax-free, but even if you can cover college costs in other ways, don’t overlook how using these plans can benefit you.

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Trim Your Future Tax Bill by Thinking Ahead

The tax code can be a labyrinth to navigate. Nevertheless, taking action now – while you, your financial advisor and accountant have time to think through the possibilities and maximize your 2023 tax savings – could be more than worth the effort. Consider adding one or more of these four tax-mitigating moves to your capital gain/loss harvesting and year-end charitable giving.

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Make Your Final Tax Saving Moves Before Dec 31

Proactive investors know that the months before year-end can be an ideal time to make strategic adjustments. While keeping in mind your long-term investment goals, meet with your advisor and coordinate with your tax professional to examine nuances and changes that could impact your typical year-end planning.

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Focus On Philanthropy This Fall

Engage in smart giving: As deadlines for year-end gift and charitable contributions approach, make a strategy for your philanthropic goals.

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