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Our mission is to empower you to live your life of most significance, through intentional planning. We hope the information shared on this page will help you grow impact in the areas of your life that matter most.

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Identify The Connections Between Net Worth And Risk Tolerance

Nobody wants to financially erode the portfolio they’ve built by making risky choices at the wrong time. You spend nearly half of a lifetime working hard to prepare for a secure retirement, so no wonder it isn’t easy to convince yourself to embrace risk. As vital as wealth preservation is, especially when nearing retirement, returns are still an important consideration.

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Social Security's Uncertain Future

For every person drawing Social Security benefits, there are just 2.7 workers paying into the system. It’s an election year, which means you can expect to hear presidential candidates being asked about their plan for preventing Social Security from going bankrupt.

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4 Priceless Money Lessons For Kids

In giving your child the gift of financial literacy, you're helping set them up for a brighter future. Through a purposeful approach, we can all do our part to raise the next generation of resourceful citizens.

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